
Language of Instruction

English is the primary language of instruction at Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten and all children are given opportunities to develop strong language and communication skills, to support learning in all areas of the curriculum. Teaching staff are experienced in supporting language development in young children including those who speak English as an additional language. The importance of maintaining a child’s first language and celebrating family traditions and culture is acknowledged by the school.  Therefore families are encouraged to continue to use their strongest language with children at home, as well as to support the development of English language fluency.

Chinese Culture & Language

Children in the school learn Mandarin as an additional language and are supported by our Chinese Teaching Team. In keeping with the educational philosophy throughout the school, Chinese instruction is enabled through play and inquiry based learning experiences that are relevant and engaging to the children.  Chinese language learning is fully integrated into the units of inquiry. There is an additional programme of support for K2 students who have no Chinese language support at home. Learning about Chinese culture and celebrations forms part of the curriculum.